NIHR Digital Technologies to improve Health and Care

A call for empirical research studies to evaluate the use of digital technologies to improve health outcomes, self-management of health or delivery of health and social care. Some examples of relevant technologies are highlighted below, however, evaluation of any type of intervention with a clear digital component are included under the call.

The purpose of this call is to evaluate existing digital technologies and their potential to bring benefit to health and social care – the development of digital interventions is outside of the remit of this call.

Applicants should justify the importance of their proposed research and identify how the work supports aspirations to improve health outcomes, enable individuals to better manage their own health, extend or support the roles of health and social care staff, improve the delivery of health and social care services or reduce health inequalities. Consideration must also be given to timely delivery and future relevance of findings and the effect of digital technologies on health inequalities.

Given the scope of this call, we expect to receive applications from co-ordinated multidisciplinary teams of investigators spanning both health and non-health specialties/disciplines, bringing together all the necessary skills and expertise required to deliver the research proposed.
Acknowledging the potential these technologies may have to transform health and social care and the delivery of services we would welcome applications that span the remit of more than one of the participating research programmes (EME, HTA, HS&DR and PHR), whilst also accepting applications in remit for just one programme.

2nd Deadline for proposals is 19 March 2019.

For more information please click here

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