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10th March 2020

Member Feature – CulturVate

Teamphoria amplifies team engagement through open communication within the NHS

The NHS is the UK’s biggest employer, with a headcount of nearly 1.5 million staff. With such vast operations, it can be a difficult task to align the entire organisation successfully. As the country pushes through Brexit, the NHS faces further economic and sociological constraints. Including higher demand for qualified staff and increasing patient numbers, caused by longer life expectancy and a growing population.

NHS staff are encountering heightened pressure, more responsibility, pay restraints and longer working hours. This factors into higher sick rates, employee churn and low levels of productivity. Here lies the recipe for negative workplace culture, unless managed correctly.

Companies with high engagement experience 37% lower absenteeism.

Teamphoria builds, measures and grows thriving company culture. We currently help two divisions within Cardiff and Vale UHB boost team engagement through internal communications and by measuring workplace culture. The platform works to improve team participation through stimulating interactions with staff and colleagues. Our reward and recognition feature works to boost morale.

Teamphoria allows employees to interact not only with each other but with department heads too. With large departments, communication can often become broken or lost. Teamphoria caught the eye of Lee Wyatt, Head of Estates and Facilities at Cardiff and Vale University Health Board. Lee was looking to improve communication and boost morale across his multi-location departments.

“Members of our team across C&V now know what is going on and feel part of a real Team. Team members are recognised frequently for their work as part of the recognition element of the software. Communication is much faster now”

A great leader recognises the importance of creating a positive workplace culture. Lee understands just that and is working daily to support his team members and to tackle workplace obstacles at the core. Awards can be customised to incorporate NHS core values. The live stream feature allows the display of recognition in public places, increasing engagement and employee motivation.

Teamphoria increases internal communication between different organisational departments and management levels through a desktop or mobile application. It is particularly useful in organisations with multiple locations. The NHS selected the tool as a means of more quickly and efficiently connecting and engaging their workforce on a professional level. Teamphoria enables the NHS to be more proactive around staffing requirements, involving staff in those plans and activities directly. The follow-on objective is to help improve employee retention and reduce sick rates and industrial actions.

Additionally, the NHS can pulse survey employees. Why wait for the traditional yearly reviews when you can spot and tackle problems more frequently throughout the year. Before you can improve culture, you have to understand your challenges. Teamphoria creates happier working environments and can measure culture through our proven three step assessment using the ‘Culture Baseline Measurement Tool’.

One of our top features allows users to ‘Vent a Frustration’. It brings to light things that are irritating employees. You can switch on ‘anonymous’ for employees to open up without the fear of consequence. By doing so, you’ll start to gain insight into what’s demotivating employees and is it affecting performance.

Cardiff University Health Board is on a mission to improve employee engagement throughout. The two departments we work with have a strong understanding of the benefits of employee engagement. They’ve taken the right steps to understand and push forward actions to create a better environment for all employees which is where Teamphoria complements their goals.

Key features include:
Team Pulse

Employees are more-loyal when they feel valued and recognised for their accomplishments.

All employees, no matter what their age or generation want to be praised and acknowledged. Employees and managers can create a positive company culture revolving around open communication, recognition, and awards with Teamphoria’s employee engagement software.

Additionally, there’s an increasing need for the National Health Service to consult with medical suppliers and the general public. Now available is our latest tool, called ‘Got an Idea’. Got an Idea is an ideation tool that captures information around different topics, fast. Tackle departmental challenges and gain new perspectives from various stakeholders. Streamline rigid processes and test innovations by allowing research teams to collaborate on projects to help develop findings and speed up clinical trials.

Get started and create an engagement or ideation plan to boost performance today!

Visit the CulturVate website here